
Once you have successfully installed the Flask Monitoring Dashboard from this page, you can use the advanced features by correctly configuration the dashboard.

Using a configuration file

You can use a configuration file for all options below. This is explained in the following section. In order to configure the dashboard with the configuration-file, you can use the following function:

dashboard.config.init_from(file='/<path to file>/config.cfg')

Thus, it becomes:

from flask import Flask
import flask_monitoringdashboard as dashboard

app = Flask(__name__)
dashboard.config.init_from(file='/<path to file>/config.cfg')
# Make sure that you first configure the dashboard, before binding it to your Flask application

def index():
    return 'Hello World!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Instead of having a hard-coded string containing the location of the config file in the code above, it is also possible to define an environment variable that specifies the location of this config file. The line should then be:


This will configure the dashboard based on the file provided in the environment variable called DASHBOARD_CONFIG.

The content of the configuration file

Once the setup is done, a configuration file (‘config.cfg’) should be set next to the python file that contains the entry point of the app. The following things can be configured:

DATABASE=sqlite:////<path to your project>/dashboard.db
GUEST_PASSWORD=['dashboardguest!', 'second_pw!']
GIT=/<path to your project>/.git/
TEST_DIR=/<path to your project>/tests/
COLORS={'main':[0,97,255], 'static':[255,153,0]}

This might look a bit overwhelming, but the following list explains everything in detail:

  • APP_VERSION: The version of the app that you use. Updating the version helps in showing differences in execution times of a function over a period of time.

  • CUSTOM_LINK: The dashboard can be visited at localhost:5000/{{CUSTOM_LINK}}.

  • DATABASE: Suppose you have multiple projects where you’re working on and want to separate the results. Then you can specify different database_names, such that the result of each project is stored in its own database.

  • USERNAME and PASSWORD: Must be used for logging into the dashboard. Thus both are required.

  • GUEST_USERNAME and GUEST_PASSWORD: A guest can only see the results, but cannot configure/download any data.

  • GIT: Since updating the version in the configuration-file when updating code isn’t very useful, it is a better idea to provide the location of the git-folder. From the git-folder, The version is automatically retrieved by reading the commit-id (hashed value). The location is relative to the configuration-file.

  • OUTLIER_DETECTION_CONSTANT: When the execution time is more than this \(constant * average\), extra information is logged into the database. A default value for this variable is \(2.5\), but can be changed in the config-file.

  • OUTLIERS_ENABLED: Whether you want to collect information about outliers. If you set this to true, the expected overhead is a bit larger, as you can find here.

  • TEST_DIR: Specifies where the unit tests reside. This will show up in the configuration in the Dashboard.

  • COLORS: The endpoints are automatically hashed into a color. However, if you want to specify a different color for an endpoint, you can set this variable. It must be a dictionary with the endpoint-name as a key, and a list of length 3 with the RGB-values. For example:

    COLORS={'main':[0,97,255], 'static':[255,153,0]}

What have you configured?

A lot of configuration options, but you might wonder what functionality is now supported in your Flask Monitoring Dashboard? Have a look at this file to find the answer.